
Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Government shall be upon his shoulders

Can we have confidence in our elected officials, or have we been disappointed to many times already.
This is important.  Government affects our lives in many ways.  Our safety and security, access to resources, and ability to reach our God given potential just to name a few.  Unfortunately  as long as fallible, sinful human beings are in charge there will be more than enough cause for disappointment.  The prophet Isaiah would have us look forward to a day in the future when we will dwell in peace and safety, and we will have no cause or reason to doubt the one who is in charge.

Isaiah 9:5-7
5 Every warrior's boot used in battle 
       and every garment rolled in blood
       will be destined for burning,
       will be fuel for the fire.
 6 For to us a child is born,
       to us a son is given,
       and the government will be on his shoulders. 
       And he will be called
       Wonderful Counselor, [b] Mighty God,
       Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 7 Of the increase of his government and peace
       there will be no end.
       He will reign on David's throne
       and over his kingdom,
       establishing and upholding it
       with justice and righteousness
       from that time on and forever.
       The zeal of the LORD Almighty
       will accomplish this.

This is very comforting to me in this day when it is difficult to have any confidence in human governments.  Even the best governments are fraught with corruption, and are biased toward the needs of the rich and powerful.

Verse 5 is self- explainitory; in the future we can look forward to a day when man's inhumanity to man will come to an end.   There will be no need for the things that are associated with warfare. Why?  Because Jesus will reign with wisdom, fairness, and power.  He will not allow one group to oppress the other.  He will reign with justice and righteousness.

Jesus is not depending on our feeble efforts to bring this to into being, "The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this."  Amen.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Naked as a methaphor in God's plan of Salvation.

Naked is a perfect methaphor to describe the state of every human being as they stand before the righteous gaze of a Holy God.  Naked makes me think of four things in particular.  Being vulnerable, exposed, ashamed, and destitute.  When Adam and Eve sinned the first thing that they realized was that they were naked.  So, of course they made an effort to resolve this awkward situation.  They made garments out of fig leaves.  However, later God provided for them garments made of animal skins.  I think that the fig leaves speak clearly of man's religious endeavors.  We try to cover our nakedness with good deeds, giving to charity, church membership and attendance, and just trying to make ourselves acceptable to God through our own efforts.  However the animal skins speak of God's provision;  they speak of Christ. 

One other thought.  Remember God's promise to Adam that the day that he ate of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he would surely die. He did not die, but some innocent animal did die in his place.  Here we have the doctrine of substitution.
Friday, January 8, 2010

Serving the Lord Monday through Saturday

Have you ever felt like you were not doing enough for the Lord? I know that I have. I do not sing in the choir, I am not a Minister, and neither am I on the deacon board. Although recently I have begun working with the music department as a sound engineer in training. Nonetheless, it doesn't seem like much. When I watch a film like the passion of the Christ it is almost impossible to feel anything but guilt and shame for my performance as a christian. That is until I came to realize that the real bulk of christian service happens outside of the church. I now realize that I serve the Lord everyday that I show up for work on time, and perform my duties to the best of my ability without mumuring or complaining. I serve the Lord, when I dedicate myself to prayer for my friends and neighbors who need to know the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I serve the Lord when I trust in him completely, because this changes everything about my demeanor and attitude in Life. I am an effective witness for Christ; not when everything goes my way, but when I demonstrate an ability to cope with the situations in my life. I have been told on several occasions that I have a sunny dispostition about myself. Always polite,kind,honest, and caring. I am not trying to shine my halo, but I want to share the fact that by just living my life according to the commandments of Jesus; that I am serving him in the most effective way possible. I am serving him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is not easy; it requires that I love my enemies, refuse to promote myself, and to trust in the Lord no matter what the external situations.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Titus 2:11-12 (New International Version)

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,"

Life is unfair

Life is definately not a bowl of fruit.

Life is unfair
People are unreliable
The Future is unpredictable
Death is unavoidable

This is the human condition and although we all know it is true:  many chose to live their lives as if it is not so. When our lives are over and we stand before God he is not going to be concerned about many of the petty things that we humans are preoccupied with on a daily basis. No one is going to be able to write God a check to earn his favor. He is not concerned about our status in society. He will not be moved by how fly, smooth, cool, handsome, beautiful, or whatever other people say we are. He is concerned about how much our lives emulate the life of Christ.

Since much of what preoccupies the thinking of most people is ultimately meaningless in light of the fact that we must die and leave it all here, and everything we do and all that we are will eventually be forgotten. Should not our ambition be to seek the approval of God and not the praise and adoration of men?

None of us  have  time to waste. Set your affections on things above not on the things of the earth. You will be standing before God sooner than you think.

Just like Adam and Eve, we also make choices everyday.  How we use our time, and what we invest our energy and resources in pursuit of.  God is going to judge us based on what we really cared about in this life.

The choice for Adam and was essentially between submission to the will of God and self- determination.
I believe that living for Jesus daily means that you are striving to deny yourself and submit to the perfect will of the Father each and everyday.
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Deliver Detroit: A Desire to Write Well

Deliver Detroit: A Desire to Write Well